HAPPY TO ANNOUNCE THAT WE ARE INTRODUCING OUR NEW ELECTRIC CYCLE RANGE. ZIPPER AND ROKET Now you can book our ZIPPER & amp; ZIPPER 1.0 MODEL. The zipper comes up with a lithium-ion 3c grade cell with a 1200 life cycle. zipper 1 is the best solution for flatmate people its come up with HL detachable battery pack. zipper 1 7.5ah capacity and zipper1.0 - 10.5 ah capacity will provide you up to 60 km log rage in a single charge. #MRENGINEAR VADODARA #ecycle in Vadodara #under 20000 electric cycle in Gujarat #under 20000 electric cycle in Vadodara #electric cycle in Vadodara #best electric bicycle in Vadodara #ebike kit in Vadodara #motorcycle kit in Vadodara #motorcycle conversation kit in Vadodara
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